E Shan Tang Herbs, Inc. | 171 HARVARD AVENUE • ALLSTON • MA 02134 • TEL (617) 787-4503 |
E Shan Tang's phone number is (617) 787-4503.
Please call during our business hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM Eastern.
E Shan Tang's fax number is (617) 787-4519.
B.J.'s email address is eshantang@aol.com.
If your browser is configured to handle mailto links, you can click here to compose a new email to B.J.
Otherwise, please manually compose a new email.
Our sincerest apologies for technical difficulties with the email form that used to be on this page. If you tried to contact B.J. via the form, please try contacting B.J. again by manually composing a new email to his email address.
An in-person pulse diagnosis will be more effective, but if you cannot come to the store, we can still help you via email.
Please be as detailed as possible when describing your condition, and we will do our best to recommend a course of action and/or a product that can help you.
For your security, placing an order over the phone is preferred. Please call during business hours (listed above).
If you prefer to place an order via email, please tell us what you would like and your shipping information (name and address).
Please do not include payment information in the email: instead, please call us during business hours to confirm your order and provide us with your payment info over the phone.
© E. Shan Tang Herbs, inc. 2008 171 Harvard Avenue, Allston, MA 02134 EMAIL eshantang@aol.com TEL (617) 787-4503 FAX (617) 787-4519 | First Come First Serve, No Appointment Necessary Store Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10:00A - 6:00P |