Actions & Indications
All Natural Melatonin (out of stock)
Helps jet lag.
An Mian Pian
Calsm the spirit, clears heart heat, tranquilizes, strengthens the liver. Helps treat insomnia and anxiety.
An Shen Bu Xin Wan
Nourishes the heart and calms the nerves. Use for cardiac palpitation, insomnia, dizziness and tinnitus.
Blood Pressure Herbal Tea
Used to maintain normal blood pressure and to strengthen the heart.
Gingko Biloba + Hawthorne Berry
120 capsules
For memory, cleaning blood vessels, lowering cholesterol, and helping heart palpitations.
Hypertension Tea
Used to maintain normal blood pressure and to strengthen the heart.
Jian Nao Wan (Healthy Brain Pills)
Nourishes heart, tranquilizes spirit. Treats deficient kidneys, heart, and blood. Helps improve memory, insomnia, palpitations, vertigo, and tinnitus with empty heat signs.
Tongren Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan
$ 20.00
6 drops
Treats stroke symptoms, speech impairment, dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, irritability.
Tian Wang Bu Xing Dan
90 capsules
For A.D.D. or A.D.H.D.
Tian Wang Bu Xing Dan
For A.D.D. or A.D.H.D.