E Shan Tang Herbs, Inc.171 HARVARD AVENUE  •  ALLSTON  •  MA 02134  •  TEL (617) 787-4503   

Actions & Indications
Reishi Mushroom Spore Powder 
$60.00; $220.00 
50 grams; 1/2 pound 
Studies show that reishi mushroom spores can stunt bacteria growth, reverse heart disease, fight cancer, reduce tumor growth, lower blood pressure, and boost the immune system. 
Reishi Mushroom Spore Capsules 
60 capsules 
Studies show that reishi mushroom spores can stunt bacteria growth, reverse heart disease, fight cancer, reduce tumor growth, lower blood pressure, and boost the immune system.  

© E. Shan Tang Herbs, inc. 2008
171 Harvard Avenue, Allston, MA 02134

EMAIL eshantang@aol.com
TEL (617) 787-4503
FAX (617) 787-4519

First Come First Serve, No Appointment Necessary
Store Hours:
Tuesday-Sunday 10:00A - 6:00P